Thursday, February 21, 2013

Riverside Readings in Manitou Springs-My New Place

Well once again, I moved from the Promonade in Mantiou Springs, to across the street just below the Taste of Jerusalem Cafe. To the right of the building you will find a little stair way by their outside eating area. That is the way down to the river and to the front door of the new place.
Sorry for the move all, but Pamela has decided to grace the town with a new micro brew that her husband Kevin has dreamed to do. I am sure it will be fun. In the mean time, everyone had to get out of the building.
This place is real fun. You get to sit by the river, or be inside and let me work on your chakra while you hear the lovely river flow. It has been so nice and relaxing. In the building we have a nice women's shop next door as well.
I plan to have meditation group on Sundays, starting in April. Open from 10-11a with just a $10 charge we will meditate and then do a tarot card drawing and relate and learn how it applies in our journey. If you can, call ahead and reserve. I will have tea, water to relax with, or bring your own.
Thanks for all who have journeyed with me this far. It is amazing and I just love everyone who has come by to admire the place.
I also started carrying curios like, incense, candles and oils and maybe a few other fun things. So please come in and explore! It is really nice.

Riverside, peaceful
See new look

Friday, February 3, 2012

When You Hear What No Else Does

Well, do you listen?
Recently I met a really nice lady named Kelly. She was out of Florida and was really about seànces. Her curiosity and fascination with the other side was intriguing. We teamed up and did some channeling. Indeed remarkable. It had been a while for me to totally focus on just that energy. The most interesting things happened. I met with several folks from the other side of Manitou Springs, not knowing really why or what their pain or joy may have been for them. And so you may say, this is hokey. Well, I guess two things can happen, you are born to receive or you can practice to open and receive. Never know till you try right?
Well, the channeling brought me to several things. One a very notable Medicine Woman who is so incredibly concerned about the waters of Manitou Springs, the other, a Blacksmith assistant, said he heard lots of men talk in the livery and lots of them big talkers. Was kinda funny. A woman, very proper from 1905, and just really interesting energies. Hey, I don't know it just happened. So, I thought i would look that up, maybe just google the year and get info. You know there was a big fire at the blacksmith a long time ago. And the passing of a prominent owner of a building an opera house once was in.
Well, you tell me. After a while all this can be interesting, but where do you go from there? There really are very sensitive people in the world and we feel things unexplainable to the common thinking person. I personally, just feel light and love over it all. Light that I can see, and love that I can feel to help others who can not.
Another example, just happened to me on the night of Feb. 2.
I went to a gallery showing of an artist named Luis Costello at UCCS. Luis had an accidental fall from rock climbing that claimed his life. I went to support the show from an invite of friends who knew him well. It was tragic and so sad how it all happened for him and his family. It had been a year since his death. So I went and had the most unusual experience. Please understand what I must say here.
No I have never met this fine man. Not once. yet during the walk around the gallery show I sensed him around me as next person standing near by. Loud and clear his spirit was amazed. He could not believe some one could hear him.
As I walked around he wanted me to speak to his wife. Again a person I have never met. I told him to calm down she would never accept this.
So he kept saying something about C L or see em or sell em, it was all so crazy! He was talking out of sorts. My body hurt all over. I came to one display of a square light in the middle of rocks. A design he made like slightly bigger pebble rocks and a square light in the middle of a high mound of pebble rocks. He said that was what it was like. The light in rocks. When he fell, that was what it was like. Then I saw photos 57 & 47, looked like Sedona flashbacks. I eerily related to the unfortunate transformation a person goes through just to get close to spirit. When spirit is with us all along.
Denial. It's tough.
I seemed to have missed his wife but thought I would write these words to remind me of this moment. He was also telling me that he wanted to have Joan Armatrading playing. Especially the request from him was THE WEAKNESS IN ME. Again, I really can't explain why this all happened to me, but he chose me to tell the story.
I wish him well and pray for his happiness with the light, now that he found it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Well, thanks for even coming this far to this place. As you can see I have not posted in a while. Loads has happened to me since then. You also I am sure. Just to fill in short line- I have a store in Manitou Springs and doing readings there. Had a very great year. Started at Garman's Building. Lots of wonderful artists there, everyone should see the place. And Michael is fun to chat with. Then Mareia McGill and I joined forces at a place in Manitou Springs for the summer months. What incredible fun it is being back in Manitou. Now a new lease started and Mareia moved two doors up and I am still here in the same place at 725 Manitou Avenue, #5. Not to be confused with her, she is located half way up the walk way, which may confuse some, but just keep going to the back by the fine Jewelers. And usually when I am there, I always have a poster out front, and a sign in the window, a sign near the door, and a cute umbrella up.
I am having a great time here. We are trying to get more metaphysical around this area, but for me, it is about bringing back the tradition of having Native American approach to helping folks with issues. I have been doing crystal healing's and have found that to be very helpful to most. I always give a cleansing before all readings. Come on in and lets have a chat. Get a load off your chest and let some love light shine in your soul! Hope to see you soon!
I will love to share my energies acquired from Sedona during the 11-11-11 alignment. Those vortexes are incredible and reviving!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Me and Marie Laveau

so, here we are with Mardi Gras. I bought a King Cake for my fellow employees and was surprised and how many did not know what that was or what it was about. So, all were enlightened on a few levels there. 
I am aching inside to know another year went by and no Mardi for me. I got spoiled going there for 8 years, driving myself, flying or any way I could get there. My last year being 2007, probably was the turning point.
I met some of the coolest folks from Knoxville, TN, and my old town-- Wilmington, NC, and I decided to have fun. I never had more fun ever than with them that year. But it enlightened me about a place I was reading at for so long. After the hurricanes had hit, people have been really desperate for making a life again. I felt like family there. I felt the pain when I came back to a Mardi after the hurricanes, and I felt like everyone did not want anyone else coming and doing business there unless it was them. Only for the locals. That's ok, I understand, truthfully. I never go there for the fame and fortune. I love doing what I do there, helping others with my readings. I really helped so many. Other readers come for the money no matter, and no one gets in their way. That's ok. I miss working there as a reader, the spirits liked me too and worked so well with me. I guess what I am saying is, a run in with another reader who has a different adjenda than you can take things out of reality. I never have had a problem ever with other readers... only one, and I do my best to be on guard and be open, but this one person had serious drug issues, and something was not adding up. It is hard to explain that to a good friend you work with for so long especially when they live there and deal with the people everyday. Enlightenment is good, that helped me realize how far you go with this place. I will always have an attachment to the place where I worked, I believe that. And I will always go there, maybe not for the same things as before... One time I think, I will try to move there and live for a year or two, and take so much in till I have to come back. I pray hard for all the people there, and I miss them all so much. Like I miss so many people I make friends with everywhere I go. Other places I miss are like, in Texas, Cabo, Cancun, New York, North Carolina, just to name a few. 
So heres to a new moon on Mardi, for the new outlook on life. We have reflecting and revamping ahead- huge! But life throws the cards down on us for a mere hint... now we work for the reality! Happy Mardi!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

As the Year Started

You know some weird wind blew in on New Year's Eve, enough to test me still to this day. But what would a day be with out a test?
I decided to do this blog thing and hope to help others down the line. Stay with me now, this is something I have not had a lot of practice with.